Sunday, 5 June 2011

This is me giving a f%#k.

So, I woke up today and began my morning ritual. Stumbled out of bed, turned ze kettle on, put assorted ingredients into a cup that will make coffee, stumbled back to my room, turned on computer, got dressed, back to kitchen, made coffee, back to room, fell into my chair and checked what everyone was up to on Facebook etc. I couldn't help but notice how melancholy everybody was feeling today. It got me thinking. Why so sad for? Surely our lives aren't that horrible to warrant complaining about them every day, right?
I mean, we have clean water, food, a house to sleep in, cars, clothes, music, television, internet, all these luxuries that a lot of the worlds population doesn't actually have. We're all caught up in our not-so-hard lives to realize what's going on around us, and how great we've all got it.

So! We need to stop being like this,

And be more like this!

I say, do whatever makes you happy in your spare time, don't be running around after everyone elses problems. Put yourself as number one and do what you want to do.
This is one of my favorite quotes ever, "If you wait too long for the perfect moment, the perfect moment will pass you by."

So, cheer up. Nothing is as bad as it seems.

Adios (:


  1. inorder to not bum myself out i don't look at facebook for more than a glance to see if i have new posts messages or whatever. Im just tired of everyones depressing posts on facebook.

  2. Wow! I was actually having a very blah day but I couldn't help but smile at that puppy. Thank you! You have found a follower in me!

  3. I got it!
    We need to stop being like human and be more like dog!
    hahahaha just kidding! :P

  4. Very interesting! Going to follow you up...

  5. nice blog!:)

  6. I'm gonna agree. Live in the moment.

  7. That's very true. I usually take a few moments every day to think about how good my life really is.

  8. Daily philosophy is to not mingle in the affairs of others unless they are under extreme duress. At that point, it would be negligent for me to not help.

  9. You make a very valid point Joe! (:

  10. Totally agree we need to smile more.

  11. "I say, do whatever makes you happy in your spare time, don't be running around after everyone elses problems".

    I love it.

    Now to find some spare time...

  12. This puppy picture is so cute.

  13. That lion picture is encouraging.

  14. aww the smileing puppy is so cute.
